We research, authenticate and appraise works of art by Mary Cassatt

Cassatt Experts is an internationally respected organization, specializing in the attribution, authentication and appraisal of Mary Cassatt’s body of paintings and drawings. We foster exclusive relationships with the world’s most prestigious museums and libraries. Our bilingual researchers work in both the United States and Cassatt’s native France.

We have traveled to nearly every continent to meet with potential clients and perform physical inspections. We offer historical and documentary research, as well as state-of-the-art scientific and forensic testing. Our Certificates of Authenticity carry weight with the world’s largest auction houses and our official appraisals ensure the highest value for insurance or sale of an authentic Cassatt work of art.

The works of Mary Cassatt (American, 1844-1926) have been treasured by critics and the public for over a century. Her portrayals of mothers and children are sweet, but not overly sentimental. In recent years, paintings that have been positively attributed to Mary Cassatt have sold for over $2 million. If you think that you might have an original painting or drawing by this famous artist, please contact us today!